Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I just got back from an incredible trip to Milan, Italy. I didn't go as a tourist, so I didn't do very many touristy things. I had vacation time here, so I was mostly going to see Guido, spend Thanksgiving with him, and meet his friends. It was really sweet. I loved being in Italy--Guido's community was incredibly loving and welcoming, and it was so fun to cook a very gourmet Thanksgiving feast for him and four of his friends. I was also surprised at how much English Italians know (it was a HUGE relief, even though I know some Italian), and loved eating the fantastic Italian food! But mostly I was just happy to spend quality time with Guido.

Anyway, here are some pictures. The weather was mostly overcast and cold, so I didn't take very many photos of Milan, but there was on day when the sun came out and I took the Metro to the city center and shot some pics. Enjoy!

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